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Computing Quality Framework

The NCCE Computing Quality Framework for Schools

The Computing Quality Framework is an online tool that helps schools review their progress in developing the computing curriculum.


The tools allows you to benchmark your computing provision, identify steps that can be taken to improve, and demonstrates progress in line with Ofsted's 'quality education' judgement.


The framework was developed with funding from the DfE and is free for schools to use.


Click here for more information on the Computing Quality Framework


James Dixon - Head of Computing at Cardinal Hume, receiving his Computing Quality mark.

Hello World 19 thumbnail.png

Raspberry Pi's Hello World Magazine has an interesting article on a primary school's experience of working through the CQF: see p50-51 of Issue 19 (June 2022)


Progress against the 7 different dimensions can be reviewed using a radar graph, with a target level of 4 (red line) to achieve the NCCE Computing Mark.


The 7 dimensions: 

  • Leadership and Vision

  • Curriculum and Qualifications

  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment

  • Staff Development:

  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and SEND

  • Careers Education

  • Impact on Outcomes


Schools review and plan how they teach the computing curriculum against the above dimensions, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and logging evidence as they step through the process.

Quotes from teachers

Review and self-evaluation is a vital part of my role. Going through the CQF in detail gave me confidence that if Ofsted undertakes a computing “Deep Dive”, we’re able to demonstrate our strong computing provision.

Working through each of the dimensions in the CQF we have created measurable, focused plans to achieve the goals we have been working toward in our Department Development Plan.

The CQF has encouraged us to have more interaction with the governors so that they are more aware of all the work that is being done within the department and they are able to better support us in ventures when they are well-informed.

It also gave us the opportunity to self-evaluate, take stock of what we do and how we do it and adjust our approaches to ensure they remain valid and relevant.

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